Hello this is priestess kelvin and welcome to the scripture of the day

Please join me in this new segment every day at 12 pm

Today I will be reading revelation’s 22 from verse 10 to 16


“And he who does evil, will do evil again; he who is foul, again will be polluted; the righteous again will do righteousness and the holy will again be hallowed.”

“Behold, I come at once, and my reward is with me, and I shall give to every person according to his work.”

“I am Alap and I am Tau, The First and The Last, The Origin and The Fulfillment.”

“Blessings to those who are doing his Commandments; their authority

shall be over The Tree of Life, and they shall enter The City by the gates.”

“And outside are fornicators, murderers, idol worshipers, the defiled, sorcerers and all seers and workers of lies.”

I, Yeshua, have sent my Angel to testify these things among you before the assemblies. I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Root and The Offspring of David, and his Companion, and The Bright Morning Star.”

And please join me tomorrow for another scripture of the day, Love God and Love each other, amen. bye for now